
Wine Spectator PRINT Magazine 1 YEAR - 15 Issues - NEW / RENEWAL Subscription

$ 7.91

Availability: 100 in stock


Newsstand Price - 5.10 (15 Issues)
Sales Price - .99 (Less than .00 an Issue!)
Voucher Order Information
- Magazine Order will be made to the Shipping Address set in Payment.  Please make sure the address is set correctly.
- If you would like to order more than 1 Year, please increase the quantity to that number of years
- New Orders Start within 30-45 Days
- Renewals will show new Expiration date within 14-21 Days
Magazine Renewals will require the account number to be sent over to me when processing order so I can track the status of the Renewal
Pay one time and done for 1 year.  No auto renewal.